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make it a .ZIP please

Can't download it (I don't no why)

Your late.

Nice graphics but the camera rotation is jittery. The game is also a bit confusing, so maybe you could add in a "how to play" menu. Music also wouldn't hurt, y'know. Overall 5/10, it looks nice but it gets confusing at times and the timer is too long. It gets repetitive after 5 mins. It's a cool concept tho!


thanks! Didn’t feel camera jitter, probably should’ve tested the game on different pc, but was making it for gamejam, so didn’t have much time, hehe.  For the timer, yeah since I didn’t let people test it, wasnt sure how hard or easy it is :)

Huge respect dude. For such little time, this game is really nice. 

pls make a zip file, im on mac :C

i wish i could make a game like this but my PC is trash........

hardest and best game ever

